Blog Software Upgrade

I finally got around to doing a long-overdue upgrade of my blog software. Coupled with the addition of an anti-spam comment validator it wouldn’t surprise me if some issues arose. Please keep your eyes peeled for anything weird and let me know if things aren’t acting right.

3/20/08 Update: I cannot believe I waited as long as I did to enable the comment validator. I was getting between 30 and 150 spam comments a day. Because I wasn’t moderating comments daily, about once a week I would log on and have to read through 1,000 comments to see if one was from a valid poster. I logged in this morning 12 hours after the upgrade and there isn’t one single spam comment to deal with. Yeah!

My Nieces Are Cooler Than Yours

This past week I hosted my two nieces (Jessie and Maria) with my sister, Molly, for a whirlwind tour of the bay area. They came out around 3:00 on Tuesday and I left them dazed and confused at Union Square around 1:00 on Wednesday. In that time, we saw the wharf, the Haight (for an east-African dinner at Masawa), Chinatown, the top of Coit tower, and the redwoods of Muir woods. I’ve posted the few pictures that met my stringent quality requirements on the image section in this folder.

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Screw You People

No, seriously. Screw you. I admit that I haven’t put anything funny or interesting on this site in a long time. There are two main reasons for that:

  1. There ain’t shit going on that you guys would care about.
  2. It’s kind of hard to write about dead mice and dust bunnies coming off the real writing I was able to do for my sabbatical.

That being said, I think I’ll post some sort of mish-mash of the various things going on just so you know I’m still breathing. Give me a few days!

Gonzalez Fight Pictures

Holy shit! I’m a professional photographer! Last night I completed my first gig photographing a light heavyweight elimination bout in San Jose. I made a lot of mistakes but was still able to get a few pictures of which I’m happy. I’m going to write a longer article on the experience so watch the journal entries in the coming days. In the mean time, check out the pictures I put online this morning.

Sabbatical Pictures

Yeah, I know it took a very long time for me to get these pictures online. But no good things aren’t worth waiting for. And I’m fairly proud of this first batch. Be sure and read the textual descriptions I added to each image. I’ll probably get another batch of 10 or 20 images online in the next month.