My residential complex has got more cats than Siegfried and Roy’s house. For some reason all of these cats’ respective owners decided to flee the Bay in early July and leave their precious pets in the hands of their more sedentary neighbors. But with only a couple generous souls behind for cat doodie duty, the weight of many cats’ lives was placed upon my shoulders. (And at nine lives per cat, that adds up.) It was with this frenzy of vacationing that my first big summer event began: CatWatch ’05!
Who Are You People?
Dear Mr./Mrs./Dr./Rabbi Anonymous,
I’ve been checking my logs lately and have noticed a remarkable increase in traffic to my humble corner of cyberspace. In the month of June I recorded a full 10,000 hits from 270 unique people. I know that a few of these people are my friends and family, but most of them are one of you, the masked mass of the electronic herd. I’ve got a few facts here that might interest you and I’ll close this topic with an offer that I hope will tempt you to take off the mask. Contact me, if you dare, and I’ll fulfill your wildest dreams. Or maybe your stupidest. We’ll see.
Houston Pictures Posted
Some times I amaze myself. That is, I am amazed at what a knuckle-dragging oaf I can be with my camera. In the past week I’ve taken dozens of pictures in different settings that mostly came out out-of-focus. The pictures from Houston are no exception.
Scott/Rich Travel Itinerary
The following notes are being used while Rich and I flesh out the specifics of the last portion of my European Adventure.
Protected: The Ignominy of Singlehood
Stanford Pictures Added
I spent a couple of hours this weekend wandering around Stanford with my camera. There aren’t many pictures there but I’m happy with most of them. The one exception is this one where I simply gave up on trying to make the Photoshopped sky look real.
Web Page News Announcements
As you may have noticed, I’m now using a ‘News’ category in my blog for announcements pertaining to the web page and life events. I modified my home page to display the 10 most recent posts in this category. This replaces the manual HTML that I was updating previously.
Straight to Godwin
Every now and again I get in an animated conversation with someone over something I just read in a book. The following follows a conversation I had with my father brought on by my recent reading of Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. This topic will immediately make the internet-aware of you think of
Godwin’s Law. Put that out of your mind for a minute and bear with me. I think that there are enough parallels between Germany in the 1930’s and the United States in the beginning of the 21st century.
Online Personals: Part II
It is not without some hesitation that I again attempt to distill some humorous thoughts from the world of online personals. My reservation is based in the fact that I’m no electronic Cyrano de Bergerac and have by no means mastered the prose required to set an anonymous woman’s heart aflutter. But, I can recognize some terrible writing. So, this article is going to perform some armchair analyses of worst-written personal self-descriptions.
The following are all unedited excerpts from personals that have shown up on Yahoo! personals.
Online Personals: Part I
The inexorable stream of digitally-supplied poontang that has fueled Rich’s dating life for the past year was ultimately what convinced me to give online personals a try. I think that I probably embarked upon this mission somewhat prematurely. I don’t feel that I’m entirely ready to go through the ordeal of first-dates, denied kisses, and inflated restaurant bills, but I guess that I’ve got to do it some time. And while online dating may not be the way to meet the ideal woman, it sure is the right way to meet the freaks.