Phase 1: Events in Europe

If possible, I’d like to see some cool annual event in Europe. I’m trying to collect a list and publish it here. So far my only source of information is this page I found from Google.

Anyway, here’s the list as it stands today:

  • 9/17/05-10/3/05: Oktoberfest in Munich. Maybe too late in the year.
  • 7/7/05-7/14/05: Running of the bulls in Pamplona.
  • 8/27/05-8/31/05: La Tomatina in Bunyol (Valencia).

Christmas Travel Fun

Going back several months now, my plan for this last Christmas was for Krisztina and I to fly to Cincinnati to see my family. The tickets were quite expensive ($550 per seat!) but, hey, it’s Christmas, so I can’t exactly cheap out. Pushed back one day, my expected 8 hours of travel ended up taking 16 and landing me right back in the city I had departed that morning. And all the while I got to enjoy the relaxing, spacious accommodations that define coach seating.

Continue reading “Christmas Travel Fun”

Journal Ramblings

Since I now have a weblog I’m going to use this service for various ruminations. At this Red Hot Moment, I’m obsessing over my new pet, the mouse. The mouse has taken over closet #2 in hopes of securing a lifetime of uncooked pasta and rice. As much as I love and want to protect God’s smallest and cutest creatures, this fuzzy fucker has got to die. Check other topics as I’ll document the battle.

Europe Primer

Intel provides its employees with a two-month paid vacation once every seven years. In the academic tradition, it is called a sabbatical. Krisztina, having worked for Intel for 14 years, would have been taking her second with me on my first at the end of this summer. With her gone, I’m going to do it solo. Well, not so much. I’d like some of my closest friends to join me at various times. This topic will be used to chronicle the trip and its planning.

Obligatory Blog (or: Scott’s First Topic)

It’s now getting late on Monday, January 10 and I’ve decided to do a little website re-org. First off–and I’m sure this comes as no surprise to most of my readers–Krisztina and I have called it quits. I’ve been pretty upset for the last few weeks since we decided to travel down this path of heartbreak and only today have I gotten around to expunging the digital records of her presence. Well, to be honest, I’m not doing a complete purge as I want to have the pictures of us on various trips as a tribute to the happiness that we enjoyed. But, I’m not leaving up the dedicated ‘Krisztina’ section on this site as that would be just creepy.

As you may be only one of perhaps ten people in the world that even know this site exists, you’re probably asking yourself why I would bother to type out the details of my life in all its banality for an audience of none. The answer to that question is as complex as it is pointless. So, I invite you, kind reader, to read this Blog and participate to the extent that you wish. I’ll leave a few words from my head to pass the time and you can see the depths of boredom that power this site’s content.