New Appliances

A frenzy of activity marked the Friday afternoon appliance installation. My contractor’s crew were connecting hoses and wires and the appliance movers were shuttling bulky items up and down the stairs. The manual was missing from the dishwasher, the cooktop was not present in the shipment, and the dishwasher lacked the features I ordered. We resolved these problems and got the kitchen to a mostly-finished state.

The one big problem that remains is that the cabinets do not properly hold the Thermador oven. As a result, the Thermador cooktop cannot rest flush against the countertop. See the picture below. The store that sold me the cabinets and appliances is sending over an installer next week to take a look at the kitchen. Presumably they are going to do some in-place modification of the cabinets to make things fit. From my assessment of the situation, there is very little room for error in their changes.