I wrote a mostly true but highly dramatized account of my run in Pamplona a couple weeks back. Besides that, this is my first update from our Spanish holiday that ended last week. I have an hour of video footage that I am cobbling together to make a few interesting clips but it could take me a very long time to produce anything interesting. In the mean time, here are a couple of stills highlighting some of our adventures.
Will, Tiffany and I after 30 minutes in Pamplona are dressed for the mission.
Will and Tiffany pose in the central square of Pamplona.
Will and Tiff again pose. Note how clean the outfits are.
Will and I pose before our running. Outfits with sangria.
Will is looking rough after a few days in Pamplona.
Taking shade from the warm Spanish sun.
Taking shade and cooling off during mid-day.
We packed in with a thousand people in to the old square to sing to San Fermin.
Bandanas off, the festival is closing.
The bandanas were retired at this end-of-festival fiesta.
The old square packed with people retiring their bandanas.
Closing ceremonies behind us…no more bandanas.
Second shot of same pose as above.
Building we passed that I liked.
Will and Tiff pose as the large square at the inland end of La Rambla.