I spent the last couple of weeks putting together a video showing one of VMware’s cool new features. I’m pretty proud of the video, so I wanted to share it. I wouldn’t expect someone that’s not familiar with our products to make heads or tails as to what’s going on, so here’s a brief description.
Of all the cool things VMware does, our main enterprise product (VI3) allows running virtual machines (VMs) to be moved from one server to another with zero downtime. That means the operating system and all applications can bounce around between many computers to improve performance, allow maintenance windows where administrators can power off systems, or consolidate to fewer systems. We recently added a feature that extends this functionality to move many idle VMs to fewer computers and then turn off those unneeded systems.
This video demonstrates this feature in action. We took four servers and run 108 VMs which each have their own enterprise application. We load the hell out of these systems over an eight-hour period and measure power throughout the 24-hour day. Here’s the video I filmed, edited, directed and produced.